Yearly Archives: 2020

Taiwan Primier , Su Tseng-Chang, praised JORJIN for the J-Reality AR Glasses to Prevent COVID19 Pandemic

J-Reality can point a person running a fever within a 5-meter radius with AR + NIR technologies. And it can record the body temperatures of more than 100 people in less than 3 minutes. Taiwan Premier SU Praise JORJIN Chairnan Tom JORJIN NEW AR Glasses, J7EF Taiwan COVD19 Statistics new J7EF AR Glasses for COVID

JORJIN Global Showrooms of J-Reality AR Glasses Grand Opening Worldwide

Taiwan Jorjin announced Global Showrooms Grand Opening in US San Leandro, Belgium Gent, UAE Dubai & Abu Dhbai, Taiwan Taipei, and China Shanghai. Taipei Shih / Taipei Hsien, Nov 1, 2020 ( ) – JORJIN AR Glasses Showroom GrandOpening in 5 Countries Globally.Jorjin Technologies announcing Global Showroom in Belgium Gent, UAE Dubai & d Abu

Jorjin Technologies announcing new AR glasses, J-Reality

5G AR Industrial Inepection Application, 3D AR Culture Innovation Show Application JORJIN AR Glass J7E COVID19 Industry Application 3D VR Culture < > Taipei Shih / Taipei Hsien, Oct 29, 2020 (  – JORJIN J-Reality, AR Glasses ApplicationJorjin Technologies announcing J7EF, the latest of its J-Reality™ smartglasses series and world-first AR product built upon Epson’s new