Category Archives: Press

Applying Jorjin J-Supporter for Quicker and More Efficient Problem-Solving

The intent behind the design of the J-Supporter smart glass solution is to improve communication in field work, for the purpose of streamlining field solutions. On-site workers through this solution may share on-site visuals with off-site experts, and dialogue in real-time, mitigating the risk of miscommunications, improving problem-solving efficiency. We at JorJin are thus pleased

Jorjin Audio Sensor – J Cone Will Boost Up Your Smart Home Application

Jorjin aims to provide the smartest and the most valuable solutions for customers worldwide. We are proud to introduce the J Cone, our state-of-the-art audio sensor. The J Cone is an audio sensor which has an array of 4 microphones, and a 32bit Cortex M4 MCU with audio algorithms built-in. Jorjin’s J Cone is capable of

Jorjin Technologies of the TW 5G Alliance – CHT pilot team to showcase AR/MR smart glasses at NGMN IC&E 2018

Jorjin Technologies, as a member of the TW 5G Alliance – CHT pilot team, will participate in NGMN IC&E 2018 Vancouver this year, to share our results and advances in smart glass technology with the rest of the telecom and ICT industry, through the 4K/8K Live Concert theme. The TW 5G Alliance – CHT pilot

Jorjin Develops All New IoT Modules Compliant with Global Sigfox Protocols and Bi-Directional BLE

Jorjin Develops All New IoT Modules Compliant with Global Sigfox Protocols and Bi-Directional BLE – Jorjin launches global ‘monarch-compatible’ (RC1 – RC6) Sigfox modules, powered by STMicroelectronics BlueNRG-2 Bluetooth low energy system-on-chip and S2-LP Sub-1GHz ultra-low-power RF transceiver. – The modules are suitable for remote monitoring and industrial asset tracking, geo-localization, smart metering and IoT