- Logistic / Warehousing

Jorjin Low Power Asset Tracker & Beacon
Inventory management has long had hidden costs built into it. It has ever been the case that asset-picking and tracking of inventory inevitably required manpower and heavily relied on the human eye for discernment. However, the human elementoften comes with the cost of human error, which our solution serves to address. Jorjin’s low power asset tracker & beacon can automatically track your inventory, and eliminate this downside of human error; regardless of the scale of your inventory, your assets will be tracked, and their positional data sent to a cloud sever , where you could keep tabs on them wherever you are.
Jorjin mmWave Radar
In the warehousing & logistics business, to do effective asset-tracking and warehousing, besides shelving of the inventory itself, management of personnel and inventory flow is also vital to the operation. To maintain workplace safety, loading(unloading) areas are often off-limits to unrelated personnel. The monitoring of such restricted areas in large warehouses originally required much manpower, often needing several people to keep the ground clear; but if we can apply mmWaves in the restricted area, we would be able to utilize radar technology to detect unauthorized personnel and also objects with ease. The result would be a more efficient and accurate monitoring of restricted areas, bringing also the advantage of more flexible options regarding allocation of personnel.
Jorjin Smart Glasses & Barcode Ring
Jorjin’s smart glasses, the J-Supporter has already achieved actual results in field service, logistics & warehousing and may assist in improving productivity all around, getting work done more efficiently, and with more precision. Those working in logistics and warehousing can apply J-supporter’s camera and Bluetooth rings to scan barcodes, and instantly receive information regarding the package at hand, facilitating smoother operations.